Study options

hi all,

well, i’ve just got some letters back from Universities and found out that i didn’t get any interviews, so basically i can’t study there next year.
I’m sure it’s different for each country, but anyone got some suggestions for what might be a good idea?
In australia we have TAFE (not sure if it’s in other countries) which is kinda like a hands-on version of uni, but not regarded so highly. I was thinking maybe i’ll do a year there and try again for a uni spot, but i really dunno what to do…
i guess another option might be to try and get a job with a design firm, but i can’t imagine that happening without any qualifications (and it’d be harder to get a job than a uni spot i imagine)

i know i want to study design, and i thought i had ok skills (well, better than most of the applicants of my age) but apparently not :frowning:

what do i do?!?!
