Stupid question, easy answer

I just downloaded a windows update. Now whenever i start windows, explorer crashes and i cant do a **** thing. You gotta love Microsoft. Anyway, what I want to do is link my laptop to my desktop so i can rescue some stuff. Im running Xp on laptop, and 98 on desktop… what should i use to connect the two? I have a network adapter on one but not the other, and usb on both… Pleeese help coz you people are always right. Thanks in advance.

i think you can make a liltle USB network but you need a USDtoUSB cable… hope that helps or you could just burn all the data onto CD or there is some program called, _____Ghost sorry cant remeber the name but that makes a total copy of your HD i think!


Thanks! I was worried someone was gonna tell me i need a whole network card and that malarky. Good answer!

Yes. Norton Ghost is an excellent program.

You can use a USB network, but it’s *** slow for big things.

Good luck man.

Yeahn you should a use a USBto USB cable. CAn only handle 8Mbit comapred to 10/100Mbit, but since USB is Plug&Play and the other computer crashed this would seem best to me.

Thanks all. I live in hope.