Stupid question no 2

Hi I am making some buttons that enlarge and then fall back to their original size when you mouse over them. The font used is a pixel font and this blurs when you do the mouse over. Is there anyway you can make them so they dont blur?

any help would be xtremely grateful!!!

this is the code on the movie clips:

onClipEvent (load) {
xlen = 100;
ylen = 100;
xscale = _xscale;
yscale = _yscale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x = (x+(xlen-xscale)*0.50)/1.50;
y = (y+(ylen-yscale)*0.50)/1.50;
xscale += x;
yscale += y;
_xscale = xscale;
_yscale = yscale;

and on the button inside

on (rollOver) {
xlen = 150;
ylen = 150;
on (rollOut) {
xlen = 100;
ylen = 100;
