Submissions for 1/24/03-1/30/03 (reply to this thread to submit a site)

listen, i do realise that you are 100% right in the since everything is exactly the way it is there is no reason in thinking that it could be bettered, i was just giving you a hard time. personally, i hate to see things evolve and actually despise the fact that someone might voice up an idea… sheep are so ignorant sometimes

hey now you two - stop it! :slight_smile: No need to fight here…

In a way I agree with Sheep on the whole “marketing thing”

Even if SOTW forum doesnt get a thousand hits a day - the rest of the pages do and that’s what counts. When somone comes here they see a fantastic place for Flash and other Designers and Developers to come and talk about things that intrest them. That’s what makes this award so great - it’s voted on some of the best out there. I mean - I know there are a ton of "better’ flash people out there but the people here are pretty ■■■■ good and I think their opinion means something.

If I was hiring someone and I saw that their site had won “site of the week” award - I would go and see where they won that award. If I came to a place like this - looked around at all the great work that goes on in here, I would be pretty impressed.

Not saying everything Sheep is saying is what I agree with and I am not saying that everything RenaissanceGirl is perfect either - I am just saying I agree with this one point.

Sorry - it’s not my battle - I just making a point.

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**hey now you two - stop it! :slight_smile: No need to fight here…

In a way I agree with Sheep on the whole “marketing thing”

Even if SOTW forum doesnt get a thousand hits a day - the rest of the pages do and that’s what counts. When somone comes here they see a fantastic place for Flash and other Designers and Developers to come and talk about things that intrest them. That’s what makes this award so great - it’s voted on some of the best out there. I mean - I know there are a ton of "better’ flash people out there but the people here are pretty damn good and I think their opinion means something.

If I was hiring someone and I saw that their site had won “site of the week” award - I would go and see where they won that award. If I came to a place like this - looked around at all the great work that goes on in here, I would be pretty impressed.

Not saying everything Sheep is saying is what I agree with and I am not saying that everything RenaissanceGirl is perfect either - I am just saying I agree with this one point.

Sorry - it’s not my battle - I just making a point. **

Do you even understand what sheep is suggesting with the marketing thing? He is suggesting that we emphasize SOTW since it has great potential to bring attention to this site as a tutorial site.

Doing this would require redirecting the mods priorities. This pretty much means that instead of helping people, mods will have to spend more time judging sites. That would pretty much diminish this place’s value as a tutorial/help site.

Look at the location bar of your browser will you? It says “…” not “” It’s not the priority to put people on pedestals here but to help people with flash. If you are looking for self-promoting award sites, look no further than Cool Homepages or [URL=]The Webbys.

I don’t entirely disagree with sheep. I do agree that ALL the mods should vote. I fully support this idea, but again, I can’t make these people do that. If they’re too busy, or would rather help people with flash than vote, then that’s completely out of my hands.

you should never be in business.

*Originally posted by sheep *
**you should never be in business. **

Last time I checked, this was a non-profit organization. Mods aren’t paid, so I can’t force them to do anything or fire them.

no i meant period, like ever… for all eternity.

Resorting to personal attacks now, eh? If being in business means hounding my colleagues to spend their personal time working for free… then I don’t want to be “in business.”

wanna be my friend? (-:

im serious.