Submissions for 1/24/03-1/30/03 (reply to this thread to submit a site)

i heard you just restricted the voting to mods recently - though i imagine you have you reasons (i was not on the board when you did this, so i have no idea what transpired), but i think reducing the number of possible voters from infinity to whichever mods CHOOSE to vote might be a little naive… I mean, another and i got 16.whatever% of the vote… but that just means 1 person. Big deal, we sold 1 person. The winner only sold 3, 4… But, a website like any other product is simply a matter of opinion, and opinions are based only averages and percentages of a total population. If i put 1 black marble into a bag with 30 whites, you might pull it first, you might pull it last… you might pull it 20th,… my point is that if more people judged, there would be more impact to the result.

the way it is, 5 people who we dont know vote simply because they are in the position to do so. If im not aware of who you are (since we dont get to know who voted for what), and i cant see your own portfolio, why the hell should we care about your opinion:q: know what i mean? there are like 30 Mods here,… if you 30 atleast voted on each site of the week, the final outcome would be much more meaningful. If i got that same 1 vote, id get 3%…not 16%

i have this horrible tendancy to stick my sheep where it doesnt belong, so i hope im not stepping on toes here, but im only saying it how i see it. im not going to get into any details really, because i dont want to come off as a jealous bad loser, but i find it a little insulting that an unfinished site could take the prize,… doesnt matter how good it is, its not quite a site yet. …lol…I mean, they dont give an oscar to a movie that has just put out a trailer… beta realised this, who is to say that if 24 other people had voted, they might have agreed. i dunno… i figure that if someones a mod, they would WANT to be apart of the websites award.

anyway, if i see more moderator participation in the comming weeks, perhaps ill try my luck again. but until them ill lurk in the SOTW shadows (especially this week, cause there are some D-A-M-N good sites in there… sheeeeit). Thanks to everyone this week, it was fun. Congrats Demz, your is half a site was still pretty sweet. i actually got them to look like they were juggling at one point, pretty cool.

Sheep**** :cool:

Well we restricted to mods only because we didn’t want people cheating to gain votes in their site. I mean people could easily convince other members or friends to sign up and vote for them. That would be unfair to the other participants.

Not to mention it is Kirupas SOTW not Kirupa Forums Members SOTW , so he chose to have the mods vote and he votes as well.

Mod participation was low this week unfortunately :-\ But the selection wasn’t too great either.

I hope next week will have more mod participation, there are some kickin’ sites in there and I am going to have trouble deciding on that one (-:

no doubt man,… i sure wouldnt submit anything this week…its insane

Just saying officially :slight_smile: that I completely agree with Sheep on that one. ALL MODS have to vote!! If we have so few votes every week, we’ll have to do something :hangover:, and the general poll wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I believe that it is the first week this happens though.

Yeah, this weeks mod participation was the lowest so far.

Usually the alert e-mails get them here to at least vote if they don’t have time to critique.

Oh, and there aren’t 30 mods, there are 16 (including Kirupa).

thx a LOT for appreciation given.
thx a LOT for feedback posted.
thx a lot for SOTW award.

all the rest, I don’t mind…
I join this contest just for fun…and I win.
that’s all.

you can win or lose.
be appreciated or ****ed off, forever and ever.
sad but true, real, life.

cheers ya all


[800*600 version coming soon, just for info :)]

Originally posted by demz *
600 version coming soon, just for info :)] **

Well thats good, I was kinda mad that I couldn’t see what all the buzz was about :frowning:

Thanks so much for your help Lost! I’ve been meaning to post the crits, but yes it did slip my mind as my real life responsibilities unexpectedly came down on me this week.

In any case - you have a point sheep, but usually mod participation is really good with SOTW. I think mod participation was poor this time since the submissions were less than stellar this week. And who knows… maybe people were busy this time.


thats pretty gay if you ask me. You say that you want to keep it site of the WEEK, but now you say that if the sites arent good enough or not many enough, it isnt worth your time to cast your vote.

what a hypocritical thing to say - so absolutley void of integrity, and makes me want to win SOTW just so i can print out the little graphic and wipe my *** with it.

you guys sure need to get your ****e together, it kindof smells.

If you don’t like the way it works, don’t submit. Simple as that.

SOTW is just a little thing we do here. It isn’t like winning the award gets you free software or any special prize. It lets you put a little graphic on your site saying you won, and that is of course optional when winning (I don’t believe EG put one up on his site).

the way i see it is you guys have a book and you have an insane number of hits here,… you guys have a chance to really dominate the flash tutorial industry and i think your SOTW is the best possible marketing tool. …but, ill say no more :x

Hey - I can’t force everyone to participate in this and I certainly won’t spam their PMs and email boxes to make them vote! Personally, yes, I did think the sites this time were “less than stellar.” But that’s comparatively - just look at the previous winners - elec, yamo, billz, akos. Even the previous submissions who didn’t win were on a higher level.

Sure this award might not be as full blown as the Webbys, but after doing it for so long we have come to expect a certain standard. What’s so wrong with that? Just because I told you previously that this wasn’t a full blown main feature, did you assume that it would be a small enough deal that we wouldn’t be picky? That did not stop me from voting - but I guess you just assumed that I didn’t participate this time based on my theories for the lack of participation. And again, these are just MY theories. There is really required level or flash expertise to participate in this thing. That was just a guess of mine - I also guessed that maybe everyone was busy this time around - it’s not a totally shocking and impossible thing for people to actually be too busy.

And if you believe the SOTW isn’t worthy of your participation, an award having no more use than to wipe your high and mighty ***, why are you getting all huffy about it.

*Originally posted by sheep *
**the way it is, 5 people who we dont know vote simply because they are in the position to do so. If im not aware of who you are (since we dont get to know who voted for what), and i cant see your own portfolio, why the hell should we care about your opinion know what i mean? there are like 30 Mods here,… if you 30 atleast voted on each site of the week, the final outcome would be much more meaningful. If i got that same 1 vote, id get 3%…not 16%


I don’t know why you should care what these strangers think about your site, but these strangers sure didn’t force you to submit your site. If you don’t want to be judged by strangers then you shouldn’t submit your site. And it’s not like you can’t find out who these strangers are anyway, here’s a perfectly accessible list of the moderators.

even if i had of put smileys in, would you have sensed some of the sarcasm?.. :sure: :beam: C:-) no huffyness, i was sincerely just presenting a viewpoint and wanted to hear your response. I know the projects (including my own) were less than stellar in comparisson to a lot of work submitted, im no sheep. and if you would read an earlier post of mine in another thread, i mentioned the fact that you can submit one week and have less competition than another - and you said that having it Weekly was the best option. - … i feel like this guy :phil:

puts boxing gloves on 8]

SHeeeeeeeeeeeit. Aaaaaaall im said there was that it would be nice to know who said what since the work was only worthy of 6 mods precious time lol… gimme a break already, :crazy:

*Originally posted by sheep *
**the way i see it is you guys have a book and you have an insane number of hits here,… you guys have a chance to really dominate the flash tutorial industry and i think your SOTW is the best possible marketing tool. …but, ill say no more :x **

How is SOTW the best marketing tool? If we were more loose in our judgment of sites, as you suggested, then wouldn’t diminish it’s value as a valuable resource?

The number of posts in each section of Kirupaforum as of right now are as follows:

Random 32665
Scripting Contest 483
Battle 2441

Flash MX 26254
Flash 5 7643
Flash ActionScript 11242
Drawing and Design 7304
Server-Side/Scripting 5990

best of 605

Other 837
Book Help 490

Site Check 4116
Site of the Week 2027
Test Forum 511
Forum Help 137

Given these figures, people come here for the Flash help and the community (Random). Not SOTW.

*Originally posted by sheep *

thats pretty gay if you ask me. You say that you want to keep it site of the WEEK, but now you say that if the sites arent good enough or not many enough, it isnt worth your time to cast your vote.

what a hypocritical thing to say - so absolutley void of integrity, and makes me want to win SOTW just so i can print out the little graphic and wipe my *** with it.

you guys sure need to get your ****e together, it kindof smells. **

I hardly think this was a “just kidding” sort of thing if you have to use foul language.

are you even reading what i am typing, or just thinking of what you are going to say next? :love: i said you guys could get take the whole flash tutorial industry but it was your best possible marketing tool… Im saying that you are doing it wrong already, so by you providing me with stats that prove that - whats your point? thats what im saying… and im saying you could fix it, put some passion into it so that when people get the award it really means something - and then you would have the highest calibur webaward out there, because you are teaching people too… giving back… whatever, its marketing, maybe you just dont get me.

regardless, kirupa is a pretty phenominal little masterpiece,…

heh, your right

i print things and wipe my *** with them all the time.

source code
pictures of kevin bacon…

*Originally posted by sheep *
**are you even reading what i am typing, or just thinking of what you are going to say next? :love: i said you guys could get take the whole flash tutorial industry but it was your best possible marketing tool… Im saying that you are doing it wrong already, so by you providing me with stats that prove that - whats your point? thats what im saying… and im saying you could fix it, put some passion into it so that when people get the award it really means something - and then you would have the highest calibur webaward out there, because you are teaching people too… giving back… whatever, its marketing, maybe you just dont get me.

regardless, kirupa is a pretty phenominal little masterpiece,… **

How about we just dominate the flash tutorial industry by having great tutorials? According to the stats I presented, SOTW isn’t top dog in Kirupaland - it’s doesn’t even fall above the fold visually. And it’s not meant to be… so how are we “doing things wrong?” Why should we put some “passion into it” when it’s not even the priority in this community? Is it to make it more valuable to win the award, since you don’t see anything valuable in earning it (besides wiping your ***, apparently)? You won’t know until you actually win the award and the traffic on your site skyrockets from being on the front page of