Suggest a good laptop for £1000 or under

Hi guys and gals :slight_smile:

I’m considering buying a laptop but I can’t really find a great one for about £1000, no more than that its my limit.

Anybody know of a decent one for that price or less the only ones that I have found are the Dell Inspiron 9400, and 6400.

Anybody know of any others?? preferably I’d like a AMD 64 and 1GB Ram not a centrio core duo.

The best thing about those dells are the resolutions with the truelife screens.


1000 GBP is something like 1700USD I believe?

If so, you have lots of choice. I’ve used some ASUS WSXGA+ screens that are pretty nice… tho for that price you can check out the Acer Aspires that have AMD 64s in them, or some the lower-end Ferrari models.

I think most of the mobile market is dominated by the Intel Chips… bu you could check toshiba tecra series… or the new LG line.

Do you have any other specific needs? Portability, screen size, gaming capability, battery life, etc.?


I just used my dad’s dell inspiron and I love it. Light, quiet, and pretty fast.


Why does this inevitably show up in this kind of thread? :sure:

I was under the impression that really good Mac laptops are really expensive and that you can get more “bang for the buck” so to speak by buying a PC?

:hr: [/ot]

I cut between the delss - the 6400’s graphics card is rubbish though.

The Acers are good but its only the processor that is good, the rest of the hardware aint as good as the dell 9400 loaded up for just like £1064.

I’ll probably go Dell 9400.


Mac was never an option!!


[ot]I never said he should get a macbook, I have a 12" PB, it’s fantastic for mobile flash design.[/ot]

what type of screen size? what will you be using it for, mainly design/dev? I have a dell 12.1" and it rocks. centrino 1.7 with 1gb ram. very small and i have it set as a web server through apache and I run dreamweaver/flash/fireworks at the same time usually…and firefox. pretty solid system and hasnt failed me yet. It was priced at $1550 with extended battery (a must) and i had $750 coupon so it ended up like just over 800 after taxes and their ‘handling fee.’

Just thought of another one… Sager 9750. Might be a little pricey, but it comes with an AMD 64 processor and an nvidia 7800GTX.

//EDIT Link:

I’m currently working on an inspiron 9400; it’s a nice laptop, but huge and heavy. It’s quite customizable aswell, you can easilty replace the processor and videocard with new stuff, though I’m not certain how long that will still be possible; Dell quit their Inspiron line.

If you want a tiny Laptop you might want to check out the Sentia series by Alienware :slight_smile:

I’ve pretty much decided nn the new Dell 6400 specs I have are:

2.0 GHz Intel Centrio Core Duo
1GB RAM (1 x 1GB stick - so I can buy another from a cheaper shop)
15" screen 1600 (or something) by 1000 (or something)
and the rest standard

Be using it mostly or solely for programming and stuff.

[ot]what are you talking about? G posts a new thread looking for advice on a laptop and you post “Mac”. What conclusion are we supposed to draw?[/ot]

I have heard nothing but good things about Acers. They are relitivly inexpensive too.

[ot]Umm… theres like 6 other Apple laptops that are within his price range. I just used one as an example that i own and am very happy with. nevermind[/ot]

I would be more partial to the i9400 than the i6400. The 6400 overpriced for its specs IMO.

I would probably wait until other companies come out with more customizable duo core processors and then compare fully.

But again, if you need it quickly, the 6400 is probably a good deal at the moment for the new style processors.

How about one of the monkies, they look cool,

or check out their website,

I got a Fujitsu Semens Amilo M 3438G

Penituim M 1.8
nice big 17" screen (with like, super blacks) - looks really nice.
nvidia geforce go 6800

About £900, maybe a little more.

Mostly it’s for gaming, so maybe not suited but I am very pleased with it! :slight_smile:

^^ I was considering getting a fujitsu siemens it had an amd 64 4000 in it but all the other components were rubbish it was like £970.

Alienware are good if you can get one of the top models otherwise its just name you’re paying for :frowning:

Whatever you do, try to make sure the screen you are getting supports UXGA. For doing productive work, 1600x1200 for standard and 1920x1200 for widescreen is so much nicer. Since you use VS05, you will definitely appreciate the extra screen real-estate for displaying more code (-:

I’m only familiar with Dells, so I don’t know about the prices of other brands, but there are several Dells that support UXGA and fall under your price range. For example, I paid $800 (+$750 off coupon) for an Inspiron 6000 (PM 1.8GHz, 1GB Ram, ATI X300 128MB VRAM, and 1920x1200 UXGA screen) a year ago.


I like the Levono for business: (pick UK)