Suggestion± forum width

Can’t the width of the forum be relative:q: I have a hard time dealing with those 3 lined topics…:sigh:

I have considered that, but doing so would be an annoyance on the layout. Right now the width is something lik 765 pixels, and that accomodates most resolutions above 640x480. Having the actual forum stretch too far or too little really makes the layout look bad :frowning:



Couldn’t the post icon go, along with the rating images?

Those don’t seem to be used a lot and it would make the post title fit better.

The main problem I think with relative sizing here is the footer and the header, they are fixed sized flash movies, and I don’t think anyone wants to see them autostretch… yuk.

I’ve become quite adjusted to the layout and I dont think I could imagine/like it any other way :-\

yeah, I agree with them. I am not a big fan of the stretching