Suggestions for Stuff?

I leave for college in a couple of weeks. Anyone have any good suggestions on things you wish you had brought but didnt (besides more money of course).

I wish I could help you out here! Actually, I too am curious as to what are all the stuff one would need. I’m fairly certain that once I get there, my parents and I will definitely be getting a mini-refrigerator to curb my addiction to Gatorade :ub:

The dorm where I am staying in has a near-24 hour convenient store and dining hall in it, so most of my caffeine cravings are taken care of that. If you know what your dorm/college housing offers, you may be able to get a better idea of what you may need :stuck_out_tongue:

my advice: put all the stuff you are planning on bringing into one room at your house. probably a living room or something. You are going to want the room to be approximately 10 ft by 12 ft. Once you hvae all your stuff in that room, try to arrange it a little to get a feel for how it will look. Now imagine that same room with twice as much crap as what you have in there… because thats what it will look like with your roommates stuff crammed in there too.

Just make a list of what you think you need, and then sit down and think about if you really need it. You probably won’t end up using half the stuff you think you will.

My real advice is to minize your belongings. Take less than you think you should because you won’t use everything… :slight_smile:

Well i guess it depends a great deal on size of room and if you have a roomie or not and what he’s bringing. I talked with my cousin who went to college last year and she told me some stuff I never would’ve thought about.

1). Wiring/extension cords. They’re not gonna give you free wires for your comp/tv and you might need extension cords.
2). Flip flops if you have a community bathroom.
3). microwave/refrig. A lot easier when you can make food when studying w/o having to put on shoes and stuff and go buy it from the campus.
4). apparently everybody puts dry erase boards on their doors. That way people can leave you a note if they were stopping by to see you, or stuff like that.
5). carpet if dorm doesn’t have it.
6). phone/clock/vacuum/trash can
7). Gun case for laptop (if you’ve got one). I searched all over trying to find something to secure it in, and it was the best thing. Perfect size, impossible to get into, and it fits under bed. Can’t beat it :).

That’s about it. I just hope i can survive the first week and then break into people’s rooms and see what they have, then go buy that same stuff.

Ah yes… College.

I probably would have taken less stuff… would have had less to take home 8 months later.

It really depends on if you are going to have a roomie. If so I would get in touch with them and figure out who has the better what. If you ahve a 17" TV and they have a 27"… leave yours at home…

See I am going to have a roomie, but the problem is they wont tell me who it is till i get there. My college is sorta weird that way

p0rn mags…

Top Ramen…

good to go!

haha. thanks

I’m going to the local university so I haven’t had to experience dorm life yet. Bring an ironing board because you look terrible with wrinkled clothes.

Just what you are going to use, like Jubba said, its a small space to cram a lot of stuff into. Think of all the junk you will get while you are there too. Folders, binders, books, notebooks, etc… I took posters and stuff like that, clothes my pc and a little radio/CD player, although if you have a PC and speakers, you may not need that. Just remember, alarm clock, and a little safe. You will need a place to store credit cards, cash, important papers, etc. I had a little fireproof safe that I attached to the wall in my closet. Worked out well.


I never really worried about protecting my stuff. My roommate and I always locked the door first year, and second year I lived on a floor with a bunch of guys that I’m friends with… security wasn’t really an issue for me…

yeah that seems to be pretty common. When I visited, the outside doors to the dorms are locked and inside everyone left their doors open.

i’d give you more advice, but my posts seem to disappear whenever i say something. i guess our rooming together won’t be an option anymore.

haha. well we are a little far apart.

Festers Suggestion(s)

1 - Buy and Empty Keg (save tons on beer to just to refill, also make money for charging people to drink off it)

2 - Condoms (nobody wants the HIV)

3 - Raid traps - your dirty dorm hall is most likely infested with all types of critters

4- [edit]water pistol[/edit] - there has not been a good school [edit]<i>umm…cant think of anyhting good</I>[/edit] in a while.

[SIZE=1](Just kidding)[/SIZE]

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**4- Handgun - there has not been a good school shooting in a while.

[SIZE=1](Just kidding)[/SIZE] **
I know that you noted that you were just kidding and I really don’t mind it I find things like that funny, but I am sure others on this forum (kirupa and some mods) might not take it as a joking matter. Just my opinion, not trying to be a dick, I’m usually not.

whatever dude, was a joke didnt mean to offend.

**** you and your morbid humor. i’m scarred for life.

okay…whatever that means

haha, it was supposed to be a joke and that word was “d a m n”.