So if you can suggest a quality mouse, keyboard or mouse and keyboard sets I would appreciate it… few things that i’m looking for, PC based hardware, needs to work with a ps3 (not sure if wireless works with ps3) and hopefully colouring in a black or dark grey.
::edit:: also I’m cool with either microsoft or logitech… not aware of any other brands but if you recommend them, let me know.
On the subject of keyboards. Does anyone sell a keyboard with just the shift, ctrl, and alt keys? I have a tablet PC and when I put it in tablet mode I can’t use the keyboard. I don’t need it for anything, except for hotkeys that require holding down a button and clicking at the same time.
Maybe I would have to build my own. That’d be an interesting project to teach myself input device engineering.
[quote=Vexir;2336197]Optimus Maximus! + a Razer Diamondback.[/quote]both nice, don’t need gaming specific though, It’s main use will be for my designing, just want it also to be useful for the ps3 to make chat easier.
was going to get the Microsoft one i posted earlier but don’t think i could work efficiently without a keypad. And this one is bluetooth and has been known to work with ps3, if it doesn’t well no drama still a worthwhile upgrade.
As for keyboard, they just got this one for me at work: IT IS SO GOOD! I cannot believe how good this keyboard is. It is so ergonomic it’s unbelievable. The stickiness of the keys is JUST right. No annoying clicks (old school keyboards or new laptop keyboards) and it’s not as soft as jessica alba’s ***** either. It’s just so great to type on. I honestly cannot find an excuse not to code at work anymore…
[quote=MTsoul;2337780]Logictech mice ftw. I really like the MX1000…
As for keyboard, they just got this one for me at work: IT IS SO GOOD! I cannot believe how good this keyboard is. It is so ergonomic it’s unbelievable. The stickiness of the keys is JUST right. No annoying clicks (old school keyboards or new laptop keyboards) and it’s not as soft as jessica alba’s ***** either. It’s just so great to type on. I honestly cannot find an excuse not to code at work anymore…[/quote]i was looking at that… that and the logitech wave, heard good things from both, i actually would of preferred the keyboard I’m getting in the ‘wave’ style+form with the mouse(that im getting) as a pack. Actually if the wave or that was bluetooth i probably would of got them instead as a separate purchase.
[quote=fasterthanlight™;2337796]Thats what I would have suggested, I don’t have the keyboard, but I’m running that mouse, and once you get it customized, its awesome…[/quote]yeah heard good things about the mouse, using a old logitech mx so looking forward to using the top of the range version of it.
^I’ve explained the G7 with a huge almost article size write up once. But that was back when I got it.
I find it to be very comfortable to use and the MX to be uncomfortable.
I use it at a very high dpi though so I barely have to move my mouse. About an 2 inch diameter circle probably (I’ve had this mouse twice though i stepped on the receiver at a lan party the first time and they sent me a free mouse free of charge… luckily it was at the end).
^The quick swap batteries are the best thing. Also the pads for the mouse make it move across any surface with ease.
[quote=simplistik;2337977]Not sure about that keyboard, but I the Revolution mouse is easily one of the best mice I’ve used.[/quote]bah! i know what you mean dude, i’m not confident with the keyboard (lcd screen might turn out to be annoying) lol…we’ll see how it is when i get to use it, if all else fails i can sell it or give it to my bro, I got it using a gift voucher after all
g7 looks similar to what i have now: MX500; but obviously without all the fancy bits. lol
I had 2 of the MX500 mice one after another, just because it was so good. Both of them, though, had bad buttons after a while. The mouse buttons got REALLY sticky (single click = triple click, and sometimes triple click = no click)…
I have one of those default, kind of basic Logitech mice, forget which model it is. (It’s about 2 or 3 years old. Kind of like a cheap, wired version of the G7, same shape, same buttons.) My keyboard is a Saitek Eclipse, I kind recommend it enough, wonderful sensitivity, backlighting, and adjustable height. It’s perfect in my opinion.
yeah it’s a great mouse, i’ve had it about 5 years now! My buttons still good and not sticky but… the buttons have colour deterioration from overuse… it’s basically darkened the areas where i hold the mouse… the buttons were all silver, now have smudge like darkened areas of grey on both left and right buttons and the base of the mouse which is where my palm rest, lol… this mouse could probably last me another few years as well, not bad that.
Nerd Husband: Hey honey, guess what?
Normal Wife: What!?
Nerd Husband: My Logitech mouse just performed mitosis, it also charged $50 to our credit card!
At this point the husband was hospitalized for serious chest injuries. (Blunt trauma) The wife’s weapon of choice seemed to be a Logitech mouse.