Suggestions on Banners Please

Before anyone says anything, I will have the banners cut so the loading time on them wont take so long. And also, the two banners look the same because Ill be having a random php banner script put in there for random banners, anyways…

Suggestions please:

Thanks :love:

Kick Azz Art!!
One thing…the smaller text is hard to make out…
Good work

____:bounce: jMkM

i think jay em has hit the nail on the head there !!!

that s**t is tight !!! did you design the characters on the side ??

if not where are they from ???

again NICE JOB !!!peac

I agree with both of em
no 1 i personally would the characters to be a little brighter …to dark
no 2 the text try a lighter shade

the rest is

quote: as good as it can get

do you have a step by step tutorial

Thanks for the compliments and suggestions :slight_smile: Nope, I didnt make the characters myself, I cut parts of them out of screenshots that I found at:

The text on the bottom really isnt meant to be visable, which is the reason why I have it so light. I’m going to make an image map around that though, and when they see it and “roll over” it, itll be glowing white and be a link to that site.

As for the tutorial part, its pretty basic :thumb: I used the Polygonal Lasso Tool to line out the black, filled it in, contracted it 2 times by five then made it 90% opacity. The background is from another screenshot, just gave that a fill of 50%, cut out the characters with the same Polygonal Lasso Tool and gave it a small dropshadow, and the same with the black lines.

Thanks again peeps :love: