ok i am not so good at making designs. but i gave it a try. i want a alot of critique on my design and i need help with the banner text. i just cant do anything to fit it. Please help me with the banner font and tell me how it might look good. Thank you
I like the background on the header image.
I think the in curve kinda hurts the design, it makes it feel like it’s closing in. If it was just on the bottom of the site I think it could work okay though.
The shadows and gradients are used nicely, but it feels like it could use some more texture or something.
Try adding in some default content, navigation, ect. Like it is leaves it feeling really empty and blank. It’s a good start though, just build on it!
well in the middle there ofcourse will be another box for content. can u please also help me with the text in the banner. if i need to change it and how.
My suggestion would be to work with more patterns, layers/layer modes and gradiens in the grey areas to give it more deep and hmm so it looks less flat…
Oops, I was going to mention that but I forgot to. The font is nice but once again the curve hurts how it looks. It makes the text look off. Using the grey fits with it, but it fails to stick out as a logo or something special. Try a different color with it and perahps a different style.