I’m hoping someone here has a couple suggestions for a generic navigation class I’m working on. I got it to work exactly how I wanted it to, but maybe someone can think of some ways to make it better.
Here’s the script:
package {
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.net.navigateToURL;
import Error;
public class Navigation {
private var _movieclips:Object;
private var _links:Object;
private var _mouseover:Object;
private var _mouseout:Object;
private var _mouseclick:Object;
private var _currentclip:Object;
private var _oncurrent:Object;
private var id:int;
private static const IS_CURRENT:String = "is current";
public function Navigation() {
public function set clips(array):void {
_movieclips = array;
public function set links(array):void {
_links = array;
public function set checkcurrent(object):void {
_currentclip = object;
public function set mouseover(funct):void {
_mouseover = funct;
public function set mouseout(funct):void {
_mouseout = funct;
public function set mouseclick(funct):void {
_mouseclick = funct;
public function set oncurrent(funct):void {
_oncurrent = funct;
public function go():void {
if (_movieclips.length != _links.length) {
throw new Error("Navigation: Length of 'Navigation.clips ("+_movieclips.length+")' does not equal length of 'Navigation.links ("+_links.length+")'");
for (var i:int = 0; i < _movieclips.length; i++) {
if (_movieclips* == _currentclip) {
if(_oncurrent != null){
_movieclips*.addEventListener(IS_CURRENT, _oncurrent);
_movieclips*.dispatchEvent(new Event(IS_CURRENT));
} else {
throw new Error("Navigation.checkcurrent: 'Navigation.oncurrent = function' expected.")
} else {
_movieclips*.id = i;
_movieclips*.mouseChildren = false;
_movieclips*.buttonMode = true;
if(_mouseover != null){
_movieclips*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _mouseover);
if(_mouseout != null){
_movieclips*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _mouseout);
_movieclips*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, (_mouseclick == null)?(defaultClick):(_mouseclick));
public function defaultClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_links[event.target.id]), "_self");
The idea was that I would declare a new navigation, assign a series of movieclips and links to it, then declare functions for the MOUSE_OVER, MOUSE_OUT, and CLICK events.
I would use it like this:
import Navigation;
var nav:Navigation = new Navigation();
nav.clips = [about_mc,brands_mc,seasonal_mc,styles_mc,nightlife_mc];
nav.links = ["about.php","brands.php","seasonal.php","styles.php","nightlife.php"];
nav.mouseover = onMouseOver;
nav.mouseout = onMouseOut;
nav.checkcurrent = about_mc;
nav.oncurrent = onCurrent;
function onMouseOver(event:MouseEvent):void {
event.target.alpha = .5
function onMouseOut(event:MouseEvent):void {
event.target.alpha = 1;
function onCurrent(event:Event){
event.target.alpha = 0;
Anyone have any good suggestions? I’m open to anything to make this more universal and usable.