Using AS3 classes to build navigation, but having problems

I’m trying to build myself a website by using classes and movie clips to build a ‘page’ instead of the standard frame (and timeline) method. For lack of a better description, I’m calling it class navigation.

I found out about class navigation here:

What I have done so far:
I have a main .fla file, from which I create Movie Clips (the website pages), then create a class to go with them. (In an .as file, this is where I write all the AS3.) I then remove the movie from the stage.

There is also a “Main” AS file to control the others. This is where I’m trying to load each individual ‘page’ (class and movie clip) from.

The buttons I am using are on the stage of the main .fla, each labeled with instances. The buttons are not button symbols, but are actually movie clips I’m using as buttons.

Although I have everything named, and scripted. When I preview it, I don’t get any output errors, any bugs or stuff like that. My movie-clip-buttons have a mouse-over event on them, and THAT works, but I can’t ‘move’ between the screens.

Here is the code from my file that’s acting as the ‘controller’ … sorry about the mess of comments, I’m afraid to delete things until I know for sure it’s the problem.

ANY Help, hints, suggestions you can offer would be fantastic! I’m really stuck I don’t know where to go from here to trouble shoot and keep going forward.

package {  
 import flash.display.*;  
 import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
 public class MainBase extends MovieClip {
  private var home:Home; //these are the two page classes 
  private var about:About; // I've got scripted so far
  private var currentScreen:MovieClip;  //used later to 'clear' the stage
  private var bfFilter:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter (10, 0, 3);
  public function MainBase() {  
   //trace("bananas are yummy!");  
   //above was just to test it's working. It does.
   home = new Home();
   currentScreen = home;
     about = new About();
    //future pages will be listed here
   public function menu():void{
   homeMC.buttonMode = true; //homeMC is the button 
                                          //instance name to get 'home'
   homeMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homeHandler);
   homeMC.mouseEnabled = true;
   function homeHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {  
     removeChild(currentScreen);  //removes previous 'page'
     addChild(home); //adds class/movie clip to stage
     currentScreen = home; //sets up for easy removeChild later on
    //trace("bananas are yummy!");
     homeMC.gotoAndStop("_down");  //the 'down' stage of my button
   aboutMC.buttonMode = true;  
   aboutMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aboutHandler);  
   function aboutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {  
     //about = new About(); //creates new instance of 'About' page
     currentScreen = about;
     //aboutMC.mouseEnabled = false;  
     //aboutMC.buttonMode = false;  

This is what one of the pages (stripped down) looks like

package {  
 import flash.display.*;  
 public class About extends MovieClip {  
   public function About() {  
       addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedHandler);  
       addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removedHandler);  
    private function addedHandler(event:Event):void {               
       this.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
       this.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
  private function removedHandler(event:Event):void {     