Super Newbie...swfs loading s l o w

Hi All,

I’m a dinosaur designer from the days of X-acto knifes, spray glue and airbrushes - so bear with me here. Using CS3 and simple behaviors I’m creating a portfolio site. I’m using shell-based navigation so each click of a button loads a swf into a movie clip. The secondary, tertiary and so on swf’s also have buttons to load additional swf’s. Pretty simple stuff I guess.

When initially viewing the site, the splash in the main file works ok frame-rate-wise, but the swf files have a delay of a half second or more before they load. Seems an eternity when it should be instantaneous. Once the site has been navigated and stored in the viewers cache, it’s all good. But who’s gonna take the time to navigate an under-performing site? (That’s rhetorical, no need to reply.)

In keeping with AS1/2 how do I prevent this initial lag time? I’ve looked at “the missing manual” (CS4 though) under preloading and it says “the actionscript required to create your own preloader is beyond the scope of this book.” The book is over 700 pages, so it’s surely beyond the scope of my 47 year old brain as well.

Am I looking in the wrong direction? Am I missing something rather simple? Any guidance would be appreciated.

Thanks a bunch,


Here’s the url: - the delay is most pronounced in the design section.