Supree Sore Loser? Methinks Yes

Yeah, I definitely think Supree is one of these whiners we always get.

yeah…seemed like gecko was upset earlier on also. Can’t please everyone =)

They will move on, or won’t, either way that’s not OUR problem :wink:

Sorry, I had to say something to him… lol :stuck_out_tongue:

they prolly had a lot of friends ready to vote for their footer! :stuck_out_tongue:

I just had to reply to this one as well. I’m in a funny mood and just spoiling for a fight. :evil:

Spoiling like milk :stuck_out_tongue:

good reply though.

I’m not pretty when I’m angry. :evil:

Since I was one of the judges, I kind of take his comments personally. I could give him a detailed breakdown of precisely why I didn’t vote for his footer, but I don’t think he’d like it. :stuck_out_tongue:

You should, if that’s what he wants, go for it :wink:

I did actually write down a crit of every footer as I went through them, if only to get my own shortlist made up. I ought to find it.

Then expand on it a little. :beam:

I gave Supree my critique…

He may not like my tone tho…


Hey Kit and Rev… if you don’t mind, can you tell me your critiques on my footer entry? Good or bad I don’t really care, my entry was for fun not for competition, just wondering what you all thought :slight_smile:

I thought it was cute. Well thought out. Just kinda weird… It didn’t all seem to go together, and left me with a feeling that it wasn’t jelling, if you know what I mean.

It just didn’t feel right to me. I don’t how to explain that. I also didn’t like the faceless guy (I know that’s one of the words).

that’s the jist of my thoughts, tho…

I was a very subjective judge on these, rather than having a pre-set notion of what a footer is supposed to be (as in SOTW), so a lot of my critique is on what I like.


wut about mine? :slight_smile:

I liked yours a lot eilsoe. The design is by far the best artwork entered.


gr…he’s another one of those teenagers < 17. those little punks really annoy me.
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*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I thought it was cute. Well thought out. Just kinda weird… It didn’t all seem to go together, and left me with a feeling that it wasn’t jelling, if you know what I mean.

It just didn’t feel right to me. I don’t how to explain that. I also didn’t like the faceless guy (I know that’s one of the words).

that’s the jist of my thoughts, tho…

I was a very subjective judge on these, rather than having a pre-set notion of what a footer is supposed to be (as in SOTW), so a lot of my critique is on what I like.

Rev **

Thanks for letting me know your critique Rev :slight_smile:

no problem. it was very original, and very well done.


Thanks :slight_smile: I admit it was very strange, and oddly put together, but I guess that’s just me :stuck_out_tongue: It also took me like 5 minutes to make so it wasn’t a big thought out project…haha.

:love: thanx rev!