SVG symbol mask anomaly

Hey guys,

I have an SVG icon that I want to use on a page as a <symbol> that has a <mask> and <filter> applied to it.

When I embed the SVG inline and use it like so, there are no issues…

<svg  class = 'svg-icon' fill = "none" version="1.1"  xmlns="">
 <use href="#example" xlink:href = "#example" />

<svg fill = "none" version="1.1"  xmlns="">
<symbol id = "example" viewBox="0 0 84.062 84.062" >
-------------------- path, path, mask, filter----------------

When I shift the svg with <symbol> to another file symbols.svg and reference it like this…

<svg  class = 'svg-icon' fill = "none" version="1.1"  xmlns="">
 <use href="./symbols.svg#example" xlink:href = "./symbols.svg#example" />

It “imports” the svg without the <mask> applied…

There is absolutely no difference between the XML applied inline and in the file… only the location…

TBH I dont often used <mask>… and there are no issues with the <filter> (drop shadow)…

Does anybody have any idea why this occurring?.. :slightly_smiling_face:

Weirdly there is exactly the same behavior when the inline reference svg is set to display: none ( to not appear in the layout)…