Hello everyone,
Has anyone else ever had the problem where the *.swf will work fine, the published *.exe will work fine, but playing an *.swf file in an HTML file slows it down heaps? I have lots of example files to demonstrate and help explain this one…
Here is an example of one of my old super-super-simple games. I use this one because of its simplicity, there shouldn’t be too much to slow it down, right? It is made in flash 6, but of course it plays in the flash 8 web player - which isn’t usually a problem.
Here’s the link to the executable file: www.dxinteractive.com/walkthestork/walkthestork3.exe
And heres the link to the HTML file:
Play both and you’ll see the executable runs perfectly, but the HTML runs slower than it should. Not only that, the “slowness” isnt uniform, so raising the frame rate to compensate on the HTML version doesn’t work. I thought something must be slowing it down, so I took away the backdrop, then the scoring thing, then deleted all the code. I was eventually left with only **one motion tween **and it still ran about 60-70% of the speed it should. I tried changing the type of AS, the flash player version, the _quality, everything I could think of and it would not play at normal speed through an HTML.
I then deleted everything and drew some animated scribbles, and it still ran at about 3/4 speed. Play these two (flash 8 files) side by side and note the difference in speed:
Heres the slow HTML:
And heres the regular-speed EXE:
Has anyone ever had this problem? Is it just my computer? How can it be fixed? The frame rate in reaction games is everything, and I would like them to run the speed they were intended to. Any help is greatly appreciated. In fact, this is such a big problem to me affecting sooo many games that if anyone solves this, they get their name in the credits on my webpage if they want :beam: