Flash plays slow when published to html

Hello…I’ve made a flash mx movie which plays at the right speed when I watch in the SWF format, but when I publish it to HTML it plays a lot slower…I have the settings at 30fps…i am publishing with best quality…Does anyone know why this is??? am I missing something

geez can’t help you there. Sounds good to me.

Hi snoofis,
Have you included a preloader in with your movie because it sounds to me as if your movie is playing but not all of it has loaded causing it to play slow.

Does it return to normal speed after a while or does it remain slow :bandit:

Hey Chris
I don’t think it’s a preloader issue because I am testing it locally, not on the web…and no it doesn’t seem to speed up after awhile…it’s an .swf loaded into an .swf however, the speed difference isn’t extreme but I can definatley notice it

Sorry then snoofis, off the top of my head I can’t think what else it might be.

the flash player in html plays alot slower it will never really run at 30 fps it will run more like 25 to 20 fps theres was a post about this a while ago, the only flash player that will run closely to its intended frame rate is the projector files, and if youre using a mac it will run much slower its a problem with the flash player on macs or maybe its the mac osx which is a memory and resouorce hog :frowning:

it’s an .swf loaded into an .swf however, the speed difference isn’t extreme but I can definatley notice it

Only thing I can think of is, check the FPS on both files, and make sure they are identical. If you load in a 12fps swf into one that is already at 30fps, the fps will chnage to 12. So check both files.

Tried every suggestion nothing worked…and each .swf was 30fps, so I just bumped them all up to 32fps and it seemed to work! Thanks for everyone’s input