Ok here goes…
I’m building a flash site obviously…
I have a preload function which I want to preload several swf files at the same time, capture how much of the files is downloaded.
When the swf files have been downloaded, then the flash should enter main site.
On the main site the other swf files will be display. I want the external swf files to be placed different places on the main site.
What would be the best way to do this??
Right now I have 1 swf file containing the preloader and the main site.
Preloader is on Scene 1, main site on Scene 2.
So basicly any external swf files should be displayed on Scene 2.
So when Scene 2 is being displayed, external swf files have been loaded (downloaded).
Any got some tips on this?? Or a better way to do it… Mind you I don’t want the swf files to first be loaded on the main site, it all has to be done in the preload function.