Swf size issue (physical dimensions)

My problem: I have a cell in a table that is 760x170 pixels. There is currently a graphic there… a jpg. Anyway, I want to base an animation on this jpg so i create a Flash file to the exact dimensions (760x170) and when I export and place it in my table cell, it is too small! What is happening to change the size? I actually import the jpeg into flash and it fits perfectly (760x170)… then… the swf ends up being small!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr !!

Any ideas? Thanks!

you sure you got 760 pixels and not 760 something else? mm? Ive done that one before myself.

yeah, it maybe that it looks like it fits perfectly bcause u can’t see the stage, but it’s probably bigger, i’d suggest checking the size of your stage, we all make typos :slight_smile:

I think the problem is in the html somewhere. sizes have been checked. thanks.