Table cells and flash

How does one go about using flash in a table? I know that as long as you don’t use percentages for your .swf’s dimensions, that everything works very well.

However… What I’m trying to do is publish .jpg files as swf, so as the user’s resolution and/or browser window sizes change, the .jpg resizes accordingly.

This WOULD be very easy, if my site’s layout wasn’t almost entirely constructed in tables. Or if I didn’t care about what size the pictures were. Hell, in that case, I wouldn’t even need to be converting them to .swf files in the first place :smiley:

I’m wondering, would there be a way to make a div layer with a z-index higher than the table, and have it appear not in a table tag? This would be kind of a pain since the pics are being entered in a blog (greymatter) so visitors can comment, etc.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance! :smiley:

Well before you go about stretching JPG images, I just want to warn you that they will get pixelated when stretched beyond their original dimensions.

Just because you’re placing them into a swf doesn’t mean that they’ll retain their quality once stretched out.

Yes I do realize this… but the size onscreen is what’s most important to me during this test phase for my site.

Between the comps at my house and my gf’s house alone, we’re talking 4 different resolutions:

1600x1200 (!!)

basically I want the site to have the same sort of dimensions onscreen. Since it’s in frames and div’s so far, this has been achieved very easily up until this point. Since it’s still testing, I want to see how Flash’s bilinear filtering of images is going to affect how the files look at higher resolutions.

Most of the pictures are going to be around 640x480, so I don’t want them looking like a postage stamp at say… 1600x1200. This is where the image resize comes in. Running under Flash’s bitmap filtering, they should occupy roughly the same portion of the screen as other resolutions, and although a little fuzzed out from the filtering, I think this would actually be a little better than having them be too tiny to appriciate… something I’d like to test… but I can’t get the .swfs running inside the table cell :frowning:

Have you tried setting the width and height of the table to 100% and the swf’s width and height to 100% as well? I’ve never tried it, but i think that should rescale it so that it fills up any screen resolution.

Yeah I’ve tried this, but for some reason, as soon as you place a .swf with percentage based size properties in a table cell, it stops functioning :frowning:

The ironic part is that when I place the plugin with percentages in a normal HTML page without tables, it looks pretty much exactly how I want it to.

I’m thinking of searching around for a DHTML solution that maybe could dynamically resize images, but I doubt I’d be able to find anything that would be as easy or as effective as Flash.

I’ve seen this work in other browsers… however, most of the features that I’ve implemented in my page thus far mandate the use of IE6+. I know that it’s a huge no-no, but I know that majority of my auidence uses winxp and at least has IE6 :smiley:

sigh Looks like I could be stuck with postage stamp size images :frowning:

Have you tried CSS to set the positions of your div instead of tables…??? Tables original use was meant to hold data…NOT positioning…

That’s why there are so many badly written html on the web today that vary depending on browser isuues…Not to say yours is… :wink:

If you don’t know how and would like to learn the following links may help get you started…

Hope it helps…!!!