
Heres the problem.

I made an animation in PS CS3. Put in Flash CS3, added motion tweens some motion guides etc. I have done this a many of times! So I got to publish, select GIF and the publish it, even tried export to animated gif. Still no luck the movie wont save as an animated gif, the swf publishs ok but the move does not.

Attached the fla with no eps in the library… Anyone ?


I’d love to know if theres anything to do this properly…that doesnt mess up AS driven animation etc…

If you’ve used movie clips they’re not going to work in a GIF. Same with AS. There’s a reason for Flash Player.

One time… long ago, Faster exported his swf as an mpeg, and then exported the mpeg to a gif with Quicktime Pro… but quality was not something to write home about!

–this would probably *only work with real tweens, and not that fancy pants numbers and letters putting togethernessing the code tweens


It actually works with Actionscript animation as well. You render it as a mpg/mov and then process and re-export that as a gif with Qpro or after effects or whatever your fancy is.

: )