Swfaddress 2.4, simple eg. not working

Hello … I can’t get this to work.
Assuming, all is installed etc (I am not getting any errors)

Each time I click my button, the SWFAddress.onChange = function() doesn’t activate which is where the problem lies…

Can someone look at my simple code, and maybe help me out!?

import com.asual.swfaddress.SWFAddress.*;

var posnum:Number = 0;
var loc_ary:Array = new Array("one","two","three");

SWFAddress.onChange = function() 
	//var address_value = SWFAddress.getValue();
	switch (loc_ary[posnum]) 
		case "one":
			s_mc._x = 100;
		case "two":
			s_mc._x = 300;
		case "three":
			s_mc._x = 500;

nxt_mc.onRelease = function()
	if(posnum >= loc_ary.length)
		posnum = 0;
	SWFAddress.setValue("address /" + loc_ary[posnum]);

much appreciated - for something making me very worried why I can’t get working!