Swfaddress and inconsistent change

I have used swfaddress in some project and it worked well, but when I tried to use it with an another one script doesn’t recognoze changed address (from address bar input and from <a href/>).
I can’t find the problem.
Look at attached files: run index.html and click on one of links. Address changes correctly, but event isn’t fired…
PS. On my homepage I have used swfaddress and all is OK, weird!

Hmm. I have flash 9.0.124 installed and it’s giving me the “In order to view this page you need Flash Player 9+ support!” in both FF and IE.

Have you JavaScript Enabled and all files unpacked? (It also uses SWFObject)


I have used standard embed provided by SWFAddress

I have found the problem which lies on SWFAddress side.
When u add CHANGE listener too fast (before JavaScript is ready) addCallback methods are failing.
I have decided to fix that and maybe it will be in offficial release