I’ve watched a friend of mine playing Star Wars Galaxies - An Empire Divided and I just loved the game!
I’m thinking of bying it (about 50$) and pay 10$ per month for the servers, as it is online-massive player game.
Does anyone know if it is value 4 money?
I am now playing Kings of Chaos, online, but I’m so bored…
I use to play SWG. I played for about 2 or 3 months and was practically obessed with the game. But towards the end of those months I got incredibly bored with the game, plus there were so many bugs that I couldn’t stand it. I came back about 4 months later because my friend kept telling me they fixed a lot of stuff. I came back but I left again. The game is pretty good, but it gets a bit boring doing the same thing over and over again, trying to level up. I really can’t stand it, and would never spend $10 a month again. Maybe its just not my kindda game.
maybe the game isn’t just about leveling up. you do that to other games too.
what really thrills me is the fact you play, talk and co-operate with other human players and not with the computer.
i play with a friend of mine, we go hunting and do things together so i still find the game mostly interesting.
But, as i do with most things in my life, i believe i’ll get bored too.
the question is when this will happen.