Wow, I can’t believe I haven’t been on these forums for such a long time! I have plenty of excuses though which I will now pump out one by one for your amusement:
I bought an online game (PlanetSide) and decided to give it a second chance (played it in Beta and wasn’t very impressed due to the repetitive nature of the game) and thus played it almost non-stop for about 9 days.
Directly after stopping playing PlanetSide (it had it’s second chance and failed me again) I moved upstairs to my proper room because it was ready to be moved into (yeah, can you believe it??? ;)) and the internet connection from our LAN wasn’t set up in that room and my PC was up there.
Once my internet connection was set up in my room, I then downloaded a game called Enemy Territory which is a free, standalone mod. of a game called RTCW. Since then, I have played that game non-stop most evenings (to the point that I would start at 6pm and stop at 8am the next morning :evil: ). And when I wasn’t asleep during the day, I would work on some basic website designs and add functionality using Flash.
And that brings us to this morning (2:30 am down here in Surrey, England). I’ve just finished reading the thread regarding the meeting of Kit, Asphalt and Soul and can safely say that I’m impressed. Although, I seriously doubt I could gather the courage to meet anybody who I know online in real-life.
For those of you who don’t know (i.e. everyone here ;)), I tend to be unbelievably shy in-person until I get to know and trust somebody. Then I never shut up :).
Anyway, that’s enough random information I’m sure you didn’t want to know about me for today. I’m sorry I dissappeared without a trace for a little while but it may happen again if I end up a) getting a job for the summer, b) getting completely hooked on this game (not that likely), or c) joining a cult where we sacrifice vegetables on a daily basis.
well i am very dissapointed in you. but glad you came back. lol jk. why did you play the game for 9 days if it sucked? that was a waste…oh well. glad to see you back.
Tut tut - I never said it sucked :P. It’s merely that because it is an SOE game, they were continually adding updates and the like and because I had already waited 1 month after the release of the game (stupid GCSEs :)), I decided 1 more week couldn’t hurt - they added in new vehicles etc. and I was hoping they would find some way to solve the problem with the game’s repetitive nature.
It was a long shot I know, but still worth the effort. Also, I had been playing with a group of really decent people who’s clan I had joined and I thought it rather unfair to just throw in the towel without giving it a real opportunity.
It’s been quite some time for me as well. … must have been at least 2 months now…have to catch up on all the kirupian talk now!! How have you all been?
PlanetSide is an MMOFPS/MMORPG. Plenty of weapons and vehicles available, plenty of character improvements possible, huge range of strategies available, plenty of players and often manic battles. My problem with it was that it was a sort of: “Capture a base. Defend the base from attack. Capture another base. Defend the base from attack. And repeat.”
Obviously there would be firefights and the like in between but it just wasn’t that much fun for me. I’m probably just being picky but it’s the way it was…
Also, you’d get what was called a “Zerg” where the players of one empire (there are 3 different empires in the game: New Conglomerate, Vanu Sovereignty and Terran Republic) on one of the 5 servers (different characters on every server but players normally stick to one - you could have anything between 1000 and who knows how many (above 6000) players on one server at any one time) would end up just collecting together and following eachother on a huge trail where they just capture every base in their path and completely slaughter any enemies in their path. That really spoiled a lot of the fun because you would have hardly any resistance.
– However, if two different empires’ zergs collided… complete and utter mayhem would ensue and they did collide every so often.
It is fun for a while but it just drags on and on and on :(.