Do you have an oustanding Swift 3D model or animation that you would like to share with the 3D Community? If so, send your work to and become an offical Swift 3D ‘Addict’.
If your work is selected you will be crowned as our weekly Swift 3D ‘Addict’. Your work will be featured in our Swift 3D Usershowcase where thousands will be able to view your creation!
Submit my work!
Please note that submissions need to be 300k or less.
This week I’ll be sharing a character animation that I (jfoley) created with Swift 3D. In this example I have created a cartoon style character, exported with Single Color Fill, Shadows and Outlines. I animated my character with a run cycle and then added some graphics and music in Flash for a quick ‘Introduction-type’ sequence.
[url=“”]>>Here is the link<<
Click on the first link in the User Showcase.
I’m looking forward to seeing your crazy-cool submissions!