Swift 3D v4 for the Mac has been let out of the Erain cage. This latest release contains many new enhancements to modeling, animation and workflow including:
- Top New Feature - Advanced 3D Modeling Environment
- 3D Bezier Path Animation Controls That Use Familiar 2D Concepts
- Vastly Improved Bitmap Texturing Controls
- Galleries for Storing 2D Shapes, 3D Models and Custom Animations
- Faster Viewport Rendering Through Apple Open GL Adoption
- Ability to Define Surface Areas for Rendered Outlines and Much More
Thank you for your patience. We are eager to see our creative-driven Swift 3D Mac community put Swift 3D v4 to work! Make sure to submit (submittals@erain.com) your awe-inspiring 3D for viewing in the new Erain.com User showcase http://www.erain.com/community/examples/
Erain Home Page http://www.erain.com