Swift3D V4 now available for MacOSX!

Swift 3D v4 for the Mac has been let out of the Erain cage. This latest release contains many new enhancements to modeling, animation and workflow including:

  • Top New Feature - Advanced 3D Modeling Environment
  • 3D Bezier Path Animation Controls That Use Familiar 2D Concepts
  • Vastly Improved Bitmap Texturing Controls
  • Galleries for Storing 2D Shapes, 3D Models and Custom Animations
  • Faster Viewport Rendering Through Apple Open GL Adoption
  • Ability to Define Surface Areas for Rendered Outlines and Much More

Thank you for your patience. We are eager to see our creative-driven Swift 3D Mac community put Swift 3D v4 to work! Make sure to submit (submittals@erain.com) your awe-inspiring 3D for viewing in the new Erain.com User showcase http://www.erain.com/community/examples/

Erain Home Page http://www.erain.com