Hi! I think it’s a simple task, maybe I’m making some stupid mistake. Description:
There’s a MovieClip in the library. It has 4 childs. It is linked with class name ‘Submenu’. Export in frame 1 is UNchecked.
export classes frame == 10
there’s a preloder in frame 2 and 3 that checks if framesloaded > 10, if yes, goto 15.
in frame 7 (depot) I put an instance of Submenu on the stage, for the export purposes.
in frame 15 there’s something like this:
var sub1:Submenu = new Submenu()
trace(sub1) //traces: [object Submenu]
Till here all works fine.
But, if I:
It doesn adds the child to the stage (I can see that this.numChildren is added of 1), but I CAN’T SEE IT! And no thrown errors.
And, maybe more strange, If I:
It says: 0, but should be 4.
So, what’s the problem?
Please Notice that if I check the ‘export in firt frame’ checkbox on the Submenu linkage panel, all works fine: I’ve got a Submenu on the stage and a trace of 4 children… Why?