Tabindex in loadMovie

Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 8

				 		 	 	 	 	 	 		 			 			 				[IMG][/IMG] 				**[MX04] tabindex in loadmovie** 			
		 			 		 		 		 		There was an earlier post about (a few years ago) but not an actual solution. 

I have a swf that is loaded using “loadMovie”.
The loaded swf has multiple text fields set to “input Text”.

When running the swf file by itself, the normal tabindex works just fine - it tabs from field to field.

But, when running inside another swf (by using loadMovie), after pressing TAB from the first text field, it starts highlighting buttons and other areas in the main (loading) program.

I’m guessing this has something to do with focus on the loaded movie, but I cannot figure out how. I have added lines for each text field - instance.tabIndex = # - but it hasn’t made any difference.

How do I force the tabindex to ignore the loading movie and stay only in the loaded movie?

Using Action script 2.0.

Thank you

RESOLVED: I found my problem. It was getting published under Flash Player 6. As soon as I go to Flash Player 7 or above, the tab indexing started working just fine when the swf was playing inside another swf.

[quote=jwpryor;2356506]Join Date: Jun 2007
 Posts: 8

                                                                                                      [img]/uploads/kirupa/7053/88eec4b0a40ba85c.gif[/img]                 **[MX04] tabindex in loadmovie**             
                                                          There was an earlier post about (a few years ago) but not an actual solution. 

I have a swf that is loaded using “loadMovie”.
The loaded swf has multiple text fields set to “input Text”.

When running the swf file by itself, the normal tabindex works just fine - it tabs from field to field.

But, when running inside another swf (by using loadMovie), after pressing TAB from the first text field, it starts highlighting buttons and other areas in the main (loading) program.

I’m guessing this has something to do with focus on the loaded movie, but I cannot figure out how. I have added lines for each text field - instance.tabIndex = # - but it hasn’t made any difference.

How do I force the tabindex to ignore the loading movie and stay only in the loaded movie?

Using Action script 2.0.

Thank you