Targeting Specific Sounds out of an Array

Hey Folks! I hope everyone is having a lovely time with their latest works. I haven’t dealt with sound in flash much and encountered a snag I’m hoping someone could give me some insight on. I have an array of sounds I want to attach to my movie and need to control them independently of each other. Currently all my sounds play at once when I set the start(); method. I can’t target a specific sound with something like: mcSnd.mcSoundHolder_1.start(); because its a movieclip not a sound object. So how do I target individual sound objects loaded into an array?

Here’s my script:

fBepSoundEffects = function () {
var mcSoundLib:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip(“mcSoundLib”, 1);
var sfArray:Array= Array(“bgBeat”, “tvZoom”, “warp”);
for (var i:Number = 0; i<sfArray.length; i++) {
var mcSnd:MovieClip = mcSoundLib.createEmptyMovieClip(“mcSoundHolder_”+i, i);
var sndRef:Sound = new Sound(mcSnd);

I’m sure its something simple or I maybe I can’t use sound objects like typical objects?

I appreciate any words of advice the more knowledgeable can provide. Thanks in advance!!