The Sound object lets you control sound in a movie. You can add sounds to a movie clip from the Library while the movie is playing and control those sounds. If you do not specify a target when you create a new Sound object, you can use the methods to control sound for the whole movie. You must use the constructor new Sound to create an instance of the Sound object before calling the methods of the Sound object.
ohhhh they are both targeting “new sound();” … that’s a rather poor mistake on my part …
So to fix the problem I don’t suppose I could replace new sound(); with say a variable b/c it’s declaring a new sound … ummm … so how can i differentiate the two then?
To fix the problem, you must give the sounds targets. Controlling any Sound instance that has been created without a target will control every sound in the entire movie, as stated in the quote above.
It comes down to changing
muz = new Sound(this);
Where this is the target of the Sound instance. I don’t know if you can use the same target twice - try it out. If not, create an empty movieclip and use that as a target.
To fix the problem, you must give the sounds targets. Controlling any Sound instance that has been created without a target will control every sound in the entire movie, as stated in the quote above.
It comes down to changing
muz = new Sound();
muz = new Sound(this);
Where this is the target of the Sound instance. I don’t know if you can use the same target twice - try it out. If not, create an empty movieclip and use that as a target.