Targetting problems

I am trying to do a little rollover effect in my animation. The animation (call it today.swf) is loaded into another animation using XML. Inside of today.swf, I have 3 buttons. When you rollover each one, they are supposed to change the alpha property of a movie clip (clip1, clip2, and clip3 for the three buttons). It works fine within today.swf but not when it is loaded into the other movie. I am guessing this is some _parent/.this stuff, but I can’t seem to make it work. Right now I have this on the buttons:

on (rollOver){
 setProperty(this.screen01, _alpha, "100");
on (rollOut){

Any thoughts as to how to make this work?

you’d better use this

on (rollOver){
 this.screen01._alpha= 100
}on (rollOut){

The problem is not that it will not change the alpha on rollover. The problem is in the targetting. When I use the code that I posted, it works just fine inside that particular movie. However, when I load this movie into a another, the alpha does not change at all.

Why would your code be better than my “setProperty” code?

I’m using this code because this is the flash mx syntax, easier to target things, i made you a quick example using movieclips instead of buttons, and it should be working when loaded into another swf