Taxes online?

i’m ready to do my taxes myself. Any of you do taxes and not only have a full time job but also add freelance work ? I heard I can add the software I bought and work area etc. that I used for freelance work. Anyone know if this will be easy to do ? All we have is our full time jobs, school, cars, apt tax and my freelance to do.

only problem is I don’t have the receipts from the software, I bought it over a year ago

I dont do my taxes myself because I do work on the side. To me its worth paying the $150 to HR block to ensure that if you do get audited they cover it.

I usually claim, all hardware, software, postage, mileage, internet connection, and cell phone for the freelance diddy. I have never had a problem with not haviing all my receipts.

I don’t remember how much I paid for the software - can I do a ballpark figure ? also, internet connection ? so if I freelanced for several months I should put that in as whatever I pay monthly for cable internet ? thx fester

fester ? anyone else have any input ? is this possible to do yourself - what I mean is, when you fill out the tax forms does it give you a box to put in your freelance stuff ?

the software’s only deductible if you can prove that your design work is an actual job (basically you have to be reasonable). so if you make let’s say $40k in your regular job and $3k in your freelance, your freelance isn’t a job, it’s a hobby. you can’t deduct expenses related to hobbies.

i’ve posted on this in the past, so search the forums. not to toot my own horn or anything, but i did graduate college with an accounting degree and took a tax class. i also wrote my final paper on this very issue, so i’m fairly well versed in the subject.

btw, i’m assuming you’re living in the US.

so if I made $9k freelance I can’t deduct expenses ?

you actually need a biz license too. With a Tax ID #. And you will need receipts.

I guess I can’t then :frowning: bummer looks like we’ll have to pay a lot because of my freelance was so high

how long does the IRS give you to pay off what you owe ? also, is it a high % tag onto this ?

I found that Fester said "I just claim it under my social security number versus getting a business liscence." how do I go about doing this ? and will this give me the option to deduct expenses without receipts ?

please anyone ? and how about that Fester ?

Have you tried going through the IRS website to see if you might qualify to e-file for free? If you make under a certain amount during the whole year, you can use their software which takes you through everything you need to do to file electronically. You can also have any return you get direct deposited to your bank account.