Lounge you forgot me and it was my idea in the first place.
me and jax are the third team
sorry man…i just looked at all the recent posts…that wasn’t final…it was to get an idea of what was going on…
so we have 2 teams of 2, and one of 3?
and we are waiting on a mod post of any kind…:q:
sorry about the absence
the stupid forum thing seems to have deleted all of my posts
what’ca the teams then?
and again, what’re we doing?
someone else collect the date this time…
and what is this?? ‘’ a battery???
Rock on Mariofan!
so are we doing this or what?:whistle:
ok so the teams are:
team 1: ibanezrocks, popous2, and me
team 2: mariofan, LoungeActx, and megatron
team 3: Law and jax
yeah i think that’s right. and it’s an animation on the theme of speed. those are the only real rules so far i think
we just need a mod…:rambo:
Junior Member
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: ny
Posts: 1
put me on purpos2’s team man
this guy wanted to join our team, so r team has 3
*Originally posted by hojo *
**ok so the teams are:
team 1: ibanezrocks, popous2, and me
team 2: mariofan, LoungeActx, and megatron
team 3: Law and jax
correct? **
yeah, i got him
so we need a mod to setup shop and we’re rollin.
what’s the deadline
1 month from whenever it starts…:rambo:
All right people, you’re on:
Topic: Short animation in Flash with the theme of “speed”. Relate your animation back to the theme of speed.
Due Date: 04/20/2003
**Program allowed:**Pretty much anything but the outcome must be a swf
1.) LoungeActx, MarioFan, Megatron
2.) ibanezrocks, popous2, Hojo
3.) Law, jax
thanks pom
lounge, mega - how shall we go about this? through email?
let me know guys!
first we need it kicked off by a mod…
but my AIM sn is LoungeActx…we could do it that way…
were doin it through MSN messenger