Hey guys i just finished my team website. Its for a game [cstrike] i hope you guys like it. The music file is pretty big but ya i spent like 2 days on it.
Hey, I don’t know about the dark colored gray and the black text. it’s a bit hard to read. Everything seems aligned to the left. More polishing will bring it up to snuff. Keep at it.
Way to plain. Font is really ugly, and I only assumed that it was a CS clan cause I used to run one, but other than that there is no way that I could tell it was a CS clan. That voting thing is lame, ppl are gonna click on it just to see the site that you’re linking us to, inturn voting for a site that I don’t think everyone likes.
I agree with ^^ the font especially makes the site look bad, the site would look a lot better with the use of a diffrerent font, also the site doesn’t need to be that size.
How about some graphics? Some personal photoshop graphics. Maybe some images? Maybe some 3D Renders from the company who creates it. Maybe sound effects. How about you show us a specific reason what’s so good about that site.
This is counter-strike you’re talking about. Be a little creative. Make the website like a whole game or something where there are different levels and guns and navigation to learn more about the game and current events.
good idea but the main site has no graphics that would fit into my site unless i totally rearrange the colors. Google is not that good either unless u can pull something up
Still an ugly font :), better idea, but the yellow definately doesn’t work for that bg. You should get the CS logo from sierra and plop it on your site too.
not too add to your baggage of critiques, but here’s mine. Personally, I can’t stand it when i click on a contact link and it opens my Outlook. Do some research and put a php form mailer in there. As for the bg color of your text boxes, Red is not the way to go with this one. If you can choose a darker shade of gray or something while keeping the text white, that might look better. As for everyone elses replies, I have to agree with them. Add some images, a logo, an animation, something. As for the good, i do like your navigation panel. I would personally add some pizzaz to your rollovers though. What you have now can be achieved with an animated .gif. My advice to you is step it up a notch. But keep working… you have a good start
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