Small request here.
Just wondering if anyone knows how to apply a tell target to an external swf.
How am i asking it to be applied u ask? =)
Ok. I have a main flash movie (to be the base site actually) that loads 4 preliminary swf’s. One of them is the top nav bar. Basically there are small squares on the main flash movie where the movies should load. They replace the squares and load perfectly. What i want to do though is when i press a button in a movie in one square, on release, it tells another square on the main flash to load it’s movie.
How do i go about this?
-BlackFire :king:
P.S. I did not attach the actual flash files becuase, for one they are too big, also there are way too many layers and stuff for anyone to be able to back track through my sloppy work. I did however attach the swf’s and a jpeg outline of the square loaders im talking about.
I haven’t looked at your attached files, but I’m pretty sure what you’re trying to do is to target levels. There is a wide array of available tuts out there for this. The idea is pretty simple though. Let’s say you have your clickable button loaded into level 1, and the swf containing the square you wish to target resides on level 2. The script on the clickable button would be something like this:
on (release) {
on the square MC you just instructed to go to the frame labeled “load”, you would have a frame action with the script:
loadMovieNum(“someMovie.swf”, 3);
This can be done a lot of different ways. Try searching for targeting MC’s on levels or just targeting levels.