Tell target

say i have a mc, on the main stage, and it plays through, and at the end, i want it to tell a diff mc to start playing using tellTarget, how can i do that, with out it being on a roll over or anything like that, i just want the second mc to start playing

no need for tell target, just;

Why are you using telltarget in MX?

At the end of the first MC, place a script like this.;

I added _root since I assumed your second MC is on the main timeline as well.

beat you :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay for you! :stuck_out_tongue:

I know :slight_smile: I think I’m going to go celebrate!
Party at my house :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, i didn’t know you could do it like that, thanks :slight_smile:

no problem