[tennis] DJ Studios vs. UNFLUX

*said like Mills Lane: “Let’s get it on!” :hr:

Rules are simple:
rounds: 4 volleys each (8 total rounds)
theme: none
apps: any
image: jpg exchange
image size: determined on 1st volley
notes: include the round# in each piece

I’ll pick the image, you submit the first volley. If no objections, I’ll get the image posted tonight. And away we go!!!..

Yeppi Kiaaa! Let’s down it!

read rules again Jpg exchange? Hmmm gunna challenge me even more eh? Heh heh.

we can do psd exchange if you want, that’s fine.

It really does matter. I’ve never done a .jpg exchange. It will be a good learning experience.:smiley:

ok then. I’ll get the image posted in a few =)

Sweet. If I don’t get to the pic tonight. The I probably will early in the morning tom. Like 3:00am. Heh heh.

no rush – there is no time limit or anything

Well Here it is folks. Hope I didn’t make to hard on yea UNFLUX :whistle:.

If anyone is intersted I would be more than willing to provide the .psd.

Also UNFLUX, I didn’t mean for my pic’s colors to turn out the same as my “Blending Modes Experiement”. It just came out that way. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m scared!:!:

that’s good dj! nothing wrong with it at all. what is the thing to the right? looks like a basketball player maybe? it’s a good start :wink:

Actually that’s me. I wanted an eerie looking thing crawling on the floor towards the person around the corner. (Note the other shadow, Also me :P). I have always included a pic of me somewhere in my entrys ever since I came to Kirupa. So if you see a person in the entry it’s probably me.

For anybody that wants it here is the .psd file.


It was a big file for some reason so I had to zip it.

Hey UNFLUX, I know I didn’t stump you in my serve.:wink: Where ya at? Busy?

sorry mate, i got slammed the other day and just trying to clear my plate a bit. Maybe can get to it tonight, if not tomorrow. I knew it was coming too, whihc is why I delayed opening it to begin with.

Ahhh I got ya. No prob. Work comes first. Play comes second :wink:

just letting you know i’m gonna work on this now :beam:

I’m scared! :thumb:

Round 2:

here’s the battle gallery for easy reference:

Hey good job on that ma man! :thumb:

I guess I’m up.:wink: