Test poster

I’m planning on selling some posters of 3d art I’ve made awhile back and this is one of them. Just wanna get some feedback before I go through with the printing process. =)

Way cool man!!!
Send to print right away!

I wish I coul do 3d too…:frowning:


HOLY ****!
You’re brilliant!
I wish I could to such masterpieces as that!
holy ****

Good Job EectronGeek, do you think you would ever want to make a tutorial with using 3ds max and photoshop togeth, I’ll get it posted on the site, it would give your site a lot of hits, maybe when you get your gallery up you should submit it to the Site of the Week forum…I’ll take it into consideration!

whoa! My site as “site of the week”? Just having it being considered sotw is cool enough! About the tutorials, sure I’ll write something up when I have more time, but I use Cinema 4D and photoshop to make my stuff, I don’t use 3D Studio Max, is Cinema 4D alright? Who do I submit the tutorial to once its done?

Message me on AIM sometime and I’ll hook it up: methodan48

whoa! man i wish i had the cash for a 3d app. i love 3d stuff, you and dan are the best i have ever seen! good work boys!

good job elec, it will be good to see ur tutorials…u are too humble :slight_smile:

nice one electrongeek. =)

Thanks guys, I will start on the tutorials as soon as things die down around work, I’m swamped with work right now. :-\

Good Luck! :slight_smile:

This is great!

Do us Kirupa peeps get a free poster? :slight_smile:

lol Kit, lets hope my boss even gives me permission to print it first, but I’m sure I can spare some posters if you take care of the shipping cost. =)

In a Mr Burns type voice

Elec…fyi, when your footer loads, you can see the reg. point on the spiny thing…

hahaha Kit you watch the Simpsons too!? I love that show. =)
And mdipi.com, you’re very observant, glad you noticed the glitch on my footer.

no prob! kit, they have the simpson’s in England?

Message me on AIM sometime and I’ll hook it up: methodan48

Are you saying your hooking him up with 3D Studio Max? If you are, Dan, I will PAY you for a copy of 3D Studio Max. I just dont want to go out and spend multiple dollars… If you ARE, please message me ASAP =) My AOL Instant Messanger screen name is: Oblivie. Remember, Ill pay j00. :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG Thanks!

I am pretty sure Dan meant hooking up a spot for elec to put his tutorials.

lol shucks…
I suppose you can say it was worth a try? shrugs Ive been wanting 3D Studio Max for ages, just I dont have any money to spend to buy it so when he said that; me thinking he ment, hooking him up with 3D Studio Max; my eyes widened and I was just about crying, think, “This is my big break.” :*( Thanks for ruining it Lost, hah, j/k… But maybe, he can? :beam:
