




  1. I have no clue what a nekophiliac is, but

  2. If you meant necrophiliac , then I have to say you must remove that from your footer and custom title immediately.


  1. Neko=Cat in Japanese
  2. And no, Necrophiliac is like…really really um, ew shudder

I use that word alot online, Nekophiliac, I’m way to obessed with felines :+)

OH ok… phew.

I was really worried about you there…lol.

Ok, I just learned a new word in Japanese today.

That brings my total of known japanese words to 1. Thanks :slight_smile:

BTW: I really like your avatar.

giggles Yea, I have issues tho regarding cats, I wanna be like one of those 80 year ladies with a house full of like 50 cats nods Only got 47 more kitties to go! :crazy:

Well… I hate cats so…

no comment…lol



I was thinking the other day that we needed a Japanese Cat Lady on this block. It was one of the things we needed to get sooner or later…


[SIZE=1]:: I only have 1 cat (Stanley), he’s enough ::[/SIZE]

I have 3 kitties, Twich and Itch were my first two, both boys, then I thought that hey, these guys need a girl around, so I got a lil female kitten…can you guess what I named her? laughs

If it rhymes with twitch and itch, but starts with the letter “b”, then I think I can figure it out…lol.

I’m afraid to guess…


Samui neh?


Samui neh?

Hehe, not really, been sorta nice, but then again, I’ve lived in the mountains of Colorado for like 9 years, no big. grins

I know what you mean…

If it gets down to 35 here (SF) people freak (it happens every year for about a week)… Just like they freak when we get 14" of rain in 16 hours… it happens every other year…

don’t get me wrong, it only snowed about 5 times, the entire time I grew up (OR coast), but 35 is not cold…


Lol. I love places where people freak out from weather. Had one neighbor that never seen snow, and like 1inch of snow and they go totally nuts. Fun to watch. :+)

35 isn’t even freezing tempature yet. Sure, it is a few degress above, but we have had much colder here.

We had I think 10 degrees (or lower even) be the lowest here so far this year…lol.

The only time I’ve been a bit freaked by weather, was when I lived in Reno, NV. We were leaving on a flight to the Land of the Mouse, on Dec. 26… 3 below, and we had to go down a flight of stairs, walk on the tarmac, then walk up the stairs to the plane…

Luckily, it had warmed up to 10 above by the time we got back…

[SIZE=1]:: my nipples still hurt when I think about it ::[/SIZE]

sorry, TMI


I was driving thru North Dakota I think or South…don’t remember, but there was a tornato that almost hit where I was camping for the night (Yea, snagged a camp gound and pitched a tent, nice and cheep) and it started to hail these big friggin man fist sized hail balls… Luckily I ran into the bathrooms which was made of brick and hid under a sink :-\ Amazingly, the tornado missed the camp and none of my window’s broke on my car, 'cept for my side mirrors, those where ripped off by it…

Freaky weather is so fun! … :crazy:

I was in a tornado once. In my cabin.

A tree fell on the roof and busted a hole in it. The cabin was two weeks old (just rebuilt) :frowning:

chibi wins!

no challenge…


Woot! Whats my prize? =)