

she is only here a short time, and she asks for more than just knowing that she won?

but what is being the best, without recognition?

questions, good, both of them…

…starting Yoda like talk…

in answer to your question, a feeling of empathy, sympathy, and a hearty “glad you’re still here.”

[SIZE=1]hope thats enough… it’s all I could afford [/SIZE]


I’d like to thank all the little people, and my cats; Twich for not spraying my Christmas tree, and Itch for shreading every piece of paper in the house, and *itch, for putting the boys in their place! blows a kiss and waves :beam:

holds up her glad-you’re-still-here award Woohoo!

boogie on down, boogie on down the roooooaaaadd…


does the Cabage Patch Go me~, Go me~

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Well… I hate cats so…

no comment…lol

:beam: **
lol :crazy:

Look! Longest thread in this forum! Do we get a prize? :beam:

This is far from the longest thread in the forum…lol.

Not the whole forum, silly, just the test one…that I can see anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh ok, yeah it is in testing.

Sorta sad if you ask me laughs

Why so? It is a test forum, where people just test their footers and avatars to make sure they work, then leave.

Well, we ain’t leaving are we? We checking mass posting?

Yours has been working for 3 whole pages! claps

How about mine? laughs

LOL, mine has worked for 6689 posts now, I am assured it is working. Are you still assured about yours yet?

I think so, I mean I can see it, but is it really there? :x

Yeah… I see it. It is there because I said so :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright, I am so off to bed now. I have had enough sleepless nights this week.

Goodnight :slight_smile:

Night! laughs It’s like instant messaging here :stuck_out_tongue:

lost what does the word you used mean?

nvm. i looked it up. thanks for runing my day…

LOL, and now you see why I had to make sure :slight_smile:

Maybe I should add some text at the bottom explaining what the word “Neko” is… :+)