yes maybe you should…and why can’t i see your footer?
Probably cause my website is being spazmic…I was having problems with it for a few days, everything is there, but doesn’t wanna show any of it :*(
ok when i think necrophiliac i am scared…then i see the footer and it says neko = cat and i’m thinking omG this is almost as scary… [SIZE=1]beastiality?[/SIZE] …maybe its me and my crazy mind
oh sweet i can see the footer!! excellent work i luv it =) i am an anime lover as you can see
Lol. Yea, I’m crazy :crazy:
Does this link work, BTW?
Maybe it’s just me having issuses.
Lol, you see it? …I don’t. :-\
nope, but sometimes i can see your footer and sometimes i get the big X
Wtf? See, I told you, Issues No clue why, starting to erk me. Glad you like my amazing disappearing footer tho.
its pulling a houdini on me and you
Houdini is a bad influence on my webpage :-\ To bad he’s dead, or I’d kill him myself for giving my poor page bad ideas…
hey Chibi start posting in Random section of forum…we have a whole crowd of jokers i think you might fit right in …not to say your a joker or anything…bah why do i even bother i just end up confusing myself
Rofl. Yea, I am a joker most of the time, 'specially when I OD on caffine :+)