Text area movie clip w/ input text

I am using actionscript to edit text areas using the variable text and then typing out what you want it to say, along with the variable title. This changes depending on how the navigation is set up because the buttons guide everything by telling the text area what frame number to go to, hence leading to what text is displayed.

My question is, lets say you want one of the areas to be input text instead of displayed text, basically to have a contact area to be set up for the user to enter in email, comments etc. Or maybe a guestbook of some sort, integrated into the site with PHP. I understand how PHP works with Flash and how to set it up with input text, but what I don’t understand is how to set up the text area, based on how I have it now, to have input text in the text area movie clip?

Do I need to create another text area MC for input text? Do I add a frame at the end and tell it to go there when the button is pressed? I tried both those ways, and when I tried the latter…The movie would reload itself instead of just go to another frame when you leave the area I delegated for the “input” area.

So, if someone could help me out with that I would be grateful and your time and effort would be much appreciated. I have attached a small example of what I am talking about via .fla file so you can dissect it.

Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you