Is there any way to bend text along an arc? I am getting tired of typing the text, breaking it apart, rotating individual letters, then placing them around a perfect circle as a guide. there must be an easier way.
You can do it in Illustrator if you have it, then import the text into Flash.
Nope, Flash is the only vector based graphics program I have.
There is no way you can do it in flash. (except the way you discribed)
I know that Fireworks is a very good program for that! It’s a piece a cake in Fireworks…
Yeah, Fireworks will do it as well (oops, forgot to mention it earlier).
Do u use a pc?
if so go to word andinsert wordart in a curved style and paste it into flash and brak it apart twice, should be in vector form.
You should get some ideas from this file from FF
pom :asian: