Curved vector text is impossible

There are many ways to create deformed text such as text following a curve in photoshop but in flash I just cannot do it. If I create the text in photoshop, save it as a bitmap and then trace it when I’m in flash, it’ll look pixelated and not smooth. :hair:

I would like to have three words following a curve somehow and have them in vector form. In other words, the words wouldn’t be in a straight line. Is there any other program that I can do this with?


I don’t think you can in Flash, but you can in Illustrator or Fireworks and import the vector into Flash for that.

illustrator huh? Thanks, I’ll look into it.

I had the same problem. I wanted the text should come around my button (movie). I could not do it in Flash. In Illustrator you can do curve textures using the path type tool. But when you bring it in Flash, it is not working in the way we want.

Now that I think about it… You can infact click on your textbox and break it apart into fills (CTRL+B break it into fills), then you can use the free transform tool to rotate it how you want it.

Oh, and I don’t have Illustrator, so I can’t test what the problem might be in your case kbmviji, sorry :frowning:

It’s OK lostinbeta.
I’ll try out ur suggestion and let u know.

:!: what about Freehand? It has much better compatibility with Flash than AI (AND loads 458234576 times faster - omg I never use AI anymore!)

draw a path, select it, Text > Attach To Path, then type. tah-dah! You can even hit ctrl+enter right there to get the swf preview. :beam:

…otherwise listen to lost :wink:

Sorry, never used Freehand, I didn’t know it could do that. I don’t have Illustrator either, but I know you can attach text to any type of paths, one of the first things I learned in it when I got to use it at school for a little bit.

senocular is right…

i use freehand and create the text there…

u can drag it direct into flash by selecting it and dragging and going to your flash tab at the bottom of your taskbar (windows)…

this will open up flash for you and the text is then placed directly into flash’s stage…

only prob is the original path is gone so it is a case of playing around with it…