Text Burning Effect

Anyone know how I can duplicate this effect (the burning on the wall) in Photoshop, I need it to spell “Quadratic Forumula” :beam:

I can give you a rough estimate on mhow to. Bt for a better shot look through the resource sticky there is a tut for this effect. I have it in a book I have but I knw there is a online version.

Hey 3D what book do you have that has these kinds of tutorials in them?


photoshop most wanted by friends of ed and Photoshop wow book.

You can take a look at www.thewebmachine.com they may have something there you can tweak. I got a good idea how to do it just dont feel like typing a bunch

its just using a logo cut out on a background

then using the bevel and emboss effect - with a cool background of fire as the base base layer…