well, hello there kirupa’s!
i’m having a really bad time with a text from XML with HTML tags. looks like the css tags aind read…
can anyone help me out here?
i’ve read already a bunch of tutorials, but cant find my problem…
so basicaly, there is a menu, and when i press a btn, it attaches a movieclip with some textfield in there. the text reads the xml tags, but doens show the css styles.
i got this so far:
//attach text holder
var Textos:MovieClip = RaizMC.attachMovie(“holder Textos”, “conteudos_mc”, RaizMC.getNextHighestDepth())
//init TextArea
Textos.texto_txt.html = true;
Textos.texto_txt.wordWrap = true;
Textos.texto_txt.multiline = true;
//load css
Formatacao = new StyleSheet();
Textos.texto_txt.styleSheet = Formatacao;
//place text
Textos.titulo_txt.text = _root.sobreTO[this.idAR][0]
Textos.titulo_txt.autoSize = true
Textos.texto_txt._y = Textos.titulo_txt._y + Textos.titulo_txt._height
Textos.texto_txt.htmlText = _root.sobreTO[this.idAR][1]
Textos.texto_txt.autoSize = true
the css file is good, xml loaded correctely, everything seams ok, exept for my textfield. it simply doesnt read the <spam class"someStyle"></spam>
i also did the <![CDATA[ ]] on the xml.
hope someone can figure this out…
thanks in advance!