are you saying that you have an external text file which feeds the variable through a loadVariables(); method, or that you have that variable set on the main timeline?
try this first.
open a new movie.
on the stage add a text field. With it selected, choose “Dynamic Text” from the text panel. Select the field that says, “variable” and enter into that field (without the quotes) “_root.textOutPut”
create a new layer for the a/s. Select frame one and type in
textOutPut=“The rain in spain stays mainly on the plains.”;
If you test that and do not see the text apear in the text box… something is wrong… write back to me.
As for the scroll issue, there’s another question on scrolling in Flash 5.0 that came in tonight. I need to get home before I’ll have a good example of how it works for you guys. 8 am or so EST.