Text not clear on animation

Hi everyone,

I am experiencing some problem when it comes to animate a textfield. I am attaching a MC which contains a Textfield with pixel font. I even embeded the font in the textfield for animation, readibility and bitmap. but i still have this blurry text when my text move. Anybody had the same prob or cna anybody help me please…

Thanks for any help.



I just played around with it and i found out that now i need to embed with Bitmap text (no anti-alias).

Does anybody know why or what should i use next time to avoid this kind of prob.



hi there, there’s a tutorial about pixel fonts!

HI again,
I am using another font than the pixel font that i was using… as my MCs containing the text movies up you can see the text is getting affected by the movement and doesnt look great… i embeded for readibility and tried for animation… used multiline textfield, dynamic, everyhting i check on the tutorial you directed me to…The text still moves up and down until it reaches its destination…

Nobody can help me please??

